Webinar: Opportunities of Indonesia’s new capital project Nusantara

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Webinar 14.11. | 09:00 - 10:00

Indonesia is undergoing a historic transformation with the relocation of its capital city from overpopulated Jakarta to a city named Nusantara in East Kalimantan. The new capital is to become a smart, high tech and green metropolis run on renewable energy.

The city is literally built from scratch, which will require huge investment from Indonesian government and international investors. At the same time, it offers unique opportunities to showcase solutions in various sectors, such as education, connectivity, digitalisation, energy, housing, technology, financial center and development, as well as waste management.

In the webinar you will learn more about the project, how to access the market and the funding opportunities.


Opening of the webinar, Olli Hakala, Liaison Manager, Turku Chamber of Commerce

Megumi Hayashi, Turku Science Park, Senior specialist, internationlisaton services

Nusantara New capital and the Finnish involvement, Nina Jacoby, Senior Advisor, Business Finland

Nusantara as an opportunity for Finnish companies, Pertti Kortejärvi, CEO, Smart City Innovation Cluster

Finnpartnership financing and possibility for piloting, Tam Nguyen, Regional Coordinator – Asia, EU project funding and investments, Finnpartnership

    The webinar is organized as a part of Finland Chamber of Commerce’ Internationalization Week and  produced by Promoting Exports to International NGOs (INGOs) project. The project aims to help Finnish and Nordic SMEs into procurement process of large international NGOs, such as the United Nations, Red Cross, IMF, World Bank, etc., whose estimated annual market is $20 Billion. INGOs organize webinars on the opportunities, challenges, tips and successful examples of doing business with international NGOs.

    The webinar is organized in cooperation with Business Turku, Turku Chamber of Commerce and WTC Turku.

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